Logging into your ActBlue account using Google

All ActBlue users with Gmail or Gmail-affiliated email addresses can log in to their accounts without entering their password – simply authenticate your account using Google!

To log in to your ActBlue account using Google, click “Sign in with Google” on the Sign In page

Then, in the pop-up, click on the account you use to sign in to ActBlue. If you only have one Google account, you will still get a pop-up confirming the email account you would like to log in with. If you have multiple Google accounts, make sure to select the one that is affiliated with an ActBlue account! If Google notifies you that there is a problem with the email address you are signing in with, we recommend checking out Google’s help center

After you click on the correct email address, you will automatically be redirected to your ActBlue account homepage. You’ll see a message at the top confirming that you have successfully signed into your account using Google!

If you have 2FA activated on your account, you will still need to authenticate after signing in with Google. You can learn more about 2FA here!

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Creating an ActBlue Account Using Google

If you have a Gmail or Gmail-affiliated email address, you can create an ActBlue account without entering a new password – simply authenticate your account using Google! To start,…